111 Contact Code
Are you a vulnerable customer? Can you contact 111 in a power outage?
If you are a resident living in one of Arvida’s independent communities and have a home telephone service (landline) provided by Arvida we need to make sure that in an emergency you are able to contact emergency services on 111.
Under the 111 Contact Code we need to establish if any of our residents using our home telephone services are considered vulnerable.
The purpose of the code is to ensure that vulnerable consumers of internet-based phone services have reasonable access to an appropriate means of calling 111 emergency service in the event of a power or broadband outage.
If you, or someone in your household, relies on a landline connection for medical, safety or disability reasons, you may be able to apply to be listed as a vulnerable consumer. Information on who can qualify as a vulnerable consumer and how to apply is set out further below.
Using your home phone during a power outage
Arvida’s home telephone service uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, which means you won’t be able to use your home phone to make 111 calls during a power or broadband outage.
Our broadband service won’t be available during a power outage also, as your modem/router requires power to work. We recommend you maintain or have access to a mobile phone service and keep it charged in case you need to call 111 during a power outage or service disruption.
Residents of Arvida’s independent communities have access to a nurse call system. The system works over the mobile network and even though your landline will not work, your nurse call system will continue to work for a period of time and will provide an indirect means to contact emergency services on 111 in the event of a power outage.
Are you a vulnerable consumer?
To be eligible for vulnerable consumer status under the 111 Contact Code, you must be a consumer of Arvida’s retail landline service (i.e. our VoIP home telephone service) who:
- is at particular risk of requiring the 111 emergency service; and·
- does not have an alternative means to contact 111 (that can operate for 8 continuous hours) in the event of a power failure.
Who is at “particular risk” of requiring the 111-emergency service?
A person who is “at particular risk” of requiring the 111-emergency service means anyone who is more likely than others to require the 111-emergency service because of a specific circumstance applicable to that person – e.g. for reasons of health, safety or disability.
A person may be at “particular risk” now, or sometime in the near future, or on a temporary basis.
Do you already have an alternative means to contact 111?
If you’re “at particular risk” but you already have an alternative direct means for contacting 111, such as a mobile phone, then you are not considered a vulnerable consumer under the Code. A direct means of contact does not include the nurse call system.
What does being at-risk of requiring access to the 111 emergency service mean?
An at-risk person is someone who:
- Relies on a landline phone through a fibre, wireless network, or VoIP to call 111, and
- Doesn’t have an alternative way to contact 111, such as a mobile phone; and
- Can demonstrate that you are at particular risk of requiring 111 emergency services for either health, safety, or disability reasons.
To register as a vulnerable consumer
We understand that some of our residents and consumers of our VoIP home phone service may not have access to a mobile phone and could be at particular risk of needing to call emergency services for health, security or disability reasons.
If you, or anyone in your household, might be vulnerable, it’s very important that you let us know. We’ll capture this against your account and work with you to provide the appropriate support.
If you feel this applies to you, please let us know as soon as possible by following these steps:
Email your completed form and supporting evidence to [email protected] or post to:
PO Box 90217,
Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142,
New Zealand
We will continue to provide a home phone service, if we know or suspect that you or someone in your household is, or may become, a Vulnerable Consumer.
What happens next?
Once we receive your fully completed application, we’ll advise you of the outcome within 10 working days.
If you, or someone in your household, qualifies as a vulnerable consumer, we will work with you to determine an appropriate alternative means for you to contact the 111-emergency service that meets your particular needs.
If you have questions about the application form you can contact the Commerce Commission via email: [email protected] or on 0800 943 600.
What can I do if I have a complaint?
While we will strive to provide a high standard of service should you or anyone else living in your home have any issues or concerns in relation to the 111 Contact Code, we have a complaint process in place to ensure such issues or concerns are reviewed. Please contact us in the first instance at [email protected]
A consumer may make a complaint to the Commerce Commission regarding our compliance with the Code, but the primary method for making a complaint is to refer the dispute to an industry dispute resolution scheme. Complaints to the Commerce Commission can be made by emailing comcom.govt.nz