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Understanding Matariki through arts and education

Understanding Matariki through arts and education

Arvida Village at the Park Manager, Moira Naughton says her residents understand Matariki much more now through recent craft and educational activities in the community.

Residents have been busy making lanterns, kites and stars using coloured card, glue and glitter, as they learnt about the Māori New Year celestial event.

The Wellington retirement community also experienced a close encounter with the Matariki star cluster when the Wellington Astronomical Society visited, complete with binoculars for stargazing.

Other activities have included a Waiata sing along, herb planting, and special community shared lunch too.

Moira says the activities are very resident-led and are an example of engaging and thinking well, an important part of Arvida's wellness approach, The Attitude of Living WellTM.

“The residents have taken a real interest in the meaning behind Matariki and they love to do crafts too. We have a Matariki exhibition setup that include the crafts made. Families can see all the beautiful creations when they visit during the long weekend.”