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Keeping our communities safe

​Covid-19 Information

Last updated - Wednesday 21.08.2023

All Arvida Communities

It’s important to be reminded of the COVID-19 guidance we have in place over the holiday season. The New Zealand Government ended restrictions in mid-2023 but some guidance has remained for care centres.

We continue to encourage our teams and residents to access vaccines that are available to them and we maintain our commitment to ensuring residents in care centresare protected as much as possible. We encourage people experiencing any symptoms that increase the risk of spreading infection (such as sneezing and coughing), whether it is diagnosed as COVID-19, a common cold or influenza, to limit the risk of those around them becoming unwell.

You can do this by staying at home while you have symptoms and wearing a mask even during times when you have mild symptoms. The following guidelines help to reduce the risk of illness for people who are vulnerable:

Independent communities

Arvida communities that only have independent living options (without a care centre) are following the standard community advice.https://covid19.govt.nz/testing-and-isolation/if-you-have-covid-19/(3 Oct 2023)

-We encourage residents and families to complete a RAT test if they have COVID-19 symptoms

-If you test positive for COVID-19

-commence recommended isolation period of 5 days

-report your test result

-monitor your symptoms, wear a mask if you need to leave home, and seek relevant health care including antiviral medication if appropriate

Household contacts should perform a RAT test every day for 5 days and only need to isolate if they test positive.

Communities with care centres

We are still following standard precautions and remind teams to continue with mask wearing when appropriate for reducing the risk of any airborne infections.When people (residents or visitors) test positive for COVID-19 they are unwell (with a diagnosed illness), at risk of becoming more unwell, and of spreading the illness to others, including vulnerable residents.

When any residents or team membersin a care centre household test positive

- All visitors to the care centre household must wear masks

- All team members working directly with residents in the care centre household must wear masks

- Any team member who tests positive should follow the process above

- Any residents who test positive will be cared for following normal COVID-19 isolation processes

- Team membersworking directly with residents who test positive for COVID-19 must wear N95 masks, disposable gown and gloves. Face shields should also be used when residents are coughing or sneezing.

If someone else who lives in the same home as you(a ‘household contact’) tests positive

For more information visit COVID-19 | Health Information and Services

Thank you very much for your support in protecting our residents and teams.